Friday, May 4, 2012

Sorry I haven't posted in a while however I have the typical blogging excuse of ridiculous amounts of uni work! But anyway these are a couple of photos of recent DIY projects I did for a shoot for our magazine project at uni. The theme of the shoot is pastels. I made the headband because most of the floral crowns I have seen aren't oversized enough and are quite expensive so I thought it would be cheaper to make one but it actually turned out to be £20 as I bought individual flowers from H&M so wasn't really cheaper at all but at least it's exactly how I wanted it! It was really easy to make because I have literally only safety pinned the flowers to a headband so that I can move the flowers about if I want. I loved the styling for Meadham Kirchoff's ss12 catwalk and that's what inspired me to make these fluffy shoes. The flatforms are from ebay and then I bought some pretty pastel feathers from a local fabric store and stuck it on the shoes!
The shoot went really well despite the bad weather and I will post the images once we have finished editing them but for now here is a little taster...
p.s how gorgeous is our model Olivia?!

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