Saturday, April 6, 2013


I have been doing a lot of easy peasy lately  but sometimes it just does it for me, and my head is still on FW detox from all the color crazy. I love the pop of gold details in the purse and the shoes, that really stand out nicely from the dark and easy outfit, for some reason a little 'bling' can lift the whole thing up a notch.
SO, I am not even interested in talking about what's happening, as the day has so long, been so bad, but I guess that everybody has a day or two like this once in a while.
For days like those I thank God for my wardrobe and my love for clothes as it gives an instant uplift, I mean who wouldn't feel good in their fav jeans and a pair of superhot heels, with a magazine in their arms and a cup of coffee. 
Countering the bad day that by completely ignoring it.

I am wearing D&G coat, Acne jeans, Designers Remix sweater, by Malene Birger purse and  Sergio Rossi heels.

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