Monday, April 1, 2013

STYLE BIBLES of the month

So I completely forgot to do a style bible post in February and almost forgot again for March but finally remembered today, one day late but better late than never! I've noticed lots of negative vibes in the blogosphere lately and seen a few people say they are thinking about giving up and are unmotivated and stuff and I won't lie I've been feeling exactly the same! I'm not sure what it is, maybe it's the crap weather or lack of money to buy new clothes but anyway I think it's nice to do posts like these to support each other.

Anyway these are my favourite girlies from March..

After being introduced to Sarah's blog by Sara it wasn't long before I fell in love with Sarah's care free, quirky dress sense and entertaining blog posts. I love how well Sarah pulls of clashing prints and textures and how she makes it look so effortless! Extremely envious of her AMAZING shoe collection too <3

I've been following Jade's blog for a while now but more recently become slightly obsessed with it! Aside from being an absolute BABE, Jade's wardrobe is to die for. Particularly crushing over her latest bohemian outfit with the granny crochet kimono and lace flares gahhh <3

I literally only discovered this blog the other day from another blog post like this and I followed her straight away! The effortless grungy/bohemian vibes is what did it for me. I swear everyone who lives and blogs in Australia are bloody amazing?! Really starting to feel like Oz is the place to be...

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